Drastic on Plastic
A digital campaign launched to coincide with Earth Day in 2018 on Sunday April 22nd. For 24 hours, AIF member festival websites were ‘wrapped in plastic’ for 24 hours to raise awareness of single use plastic. Visitors to the websites were faced with key facts and messages about the extent and impact of our everyday plastic use, along with links to resources from campaign partner RAW Foundation – a UK sustainable development charity dedicated to sustainable consumption through education and behaviour change.
In addition, all participating festivals committed to banning the use of plastic straws on-site in 2018 as a minimum first step and pledged to eliminate all single-use plastic at their events by 2021.
Plastic Is Everywhere! It’s predicted that there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050.
Addicted To Single-Use. 38.5 million plastic bottles are used once and discarded in the UK every day.
91% Plastic Is Not Recycled. 91% of plastic isn’t recycled in the UK, and fewer countries accept our waste.
Reuse Not Single-Use. Use a reusable water bottle, reusable hot cup and always think before you buy.
UK Festival Footprint. 23,500 of waste generated, with audiences consuming 10 million plastic bottles annual.
Take Action Now. Buy a steel water bottle.